Welcome to the home of Rev Chi Rivera the Pittsburgh Medium
Signed in as:
In this city of bridges, I am but a bridge to your THE DIVINE. It's no wonder I ended up here in Pittsburgh. I think this place has wonderful energy. And although I call this place home, I was born in Panama, and am a Kuna Indian and mystical gifts have been part of my family for more generations than we can count !
What does all that mean anyway? It means I am a hybrid, of old indigenous ways and newer Spiritualist ways. I believe in the continuity of life and the Soul. I believe that we are a soul first and that our soul has a body, not the other way around ( that we are our body). I believe that the soul survives the physical death and that if it is still alive somewhere, it will have something to say and I make it my job to listen.
The short version of it all, is that I was born different but, aren't we all?
I started seeing Spirit people and Angels when I was 5 years old. I was always fascinated with everything related to God and Heaven, and I can remember begging people to take me to church with them, since that's when I felt closest to the Spirits.
Little did I know that they had chosen me and had a plan for me. Our Loved Ones Who Live On in Spirit or LOLOS as I like to call them, found me, helped me, and continue to help me as I help you.
Rev. Marjorie Rivera Kain is a professional Psychic Medium who has been a full time reader since 2000. Rev. Marjorie is Pittsburgh’s most professional and prolific reader. She leads message circles, lectures, teaches, is a published writer, a magazine columnist, a radio talk show co-host for years.
Rev. Rivera is a Lily Dale trained Medium. She holds her ministerial and metaphysician’s ordinations through Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale NY.
Rev. Rivera is often recognized by her enthusiastic platform demonstrations, bringing a refreshing, compassionate and thought provoking perspective to the world of psychic phenomena. As a Psychic and Medium, she has helped thousands with her ability to connect to Loved Ones, Spirit Guides and predict future events. Rev. Rivera has captivated clients with her honesty and her unique abilities to connect with people and with their loved ones who have passed into Spirit. Deeply compassionate, often uncannily accurate and humorous, Rev. Marjorie’s down-to-earth approach has earned her a vast and loyal following. Rev. Rivera ’s talents are not limited to Spirit communication, as she is amazingly accurate with her ability to decipher relationship connections, career forecasts and every imaginable question on the future of each sitter’s life.
Born in Panama, Rev. Marjorie is a Kuna Indian. The Kunas are the Indigenous peoples of the San Blas Islands off the Carribean coast of Panama. Marjorie was born into a family of healers, shaman and medicine women. Her life as a Latin woman was infused with a strong belief and respect for the Spirit World. She began to see and communicate with Angels and Loved Ones when she was 5.
Rev. Marjorie’s pursuits eventually took her to Lily Dale, NY where she attended seminary school and became ordained as a Spiritualist Minister. Many Spiritualists are also Mediums like Rev. Marjorie. She has welcomed the many changes living a spiritual life has brought to her, and has allowed herself to evolve into the woman she is today; Medium, Psychic, Healer, Artist, Minister, Teacher, Mystic and Student of the esoteric.
A trip to Taos new Mexico in 2000 changed Rev. Rivera's life so much that she knew she needed to name her business TAOS Co, which means Transformation and Other Services. She had a full blown past -life recall while there, and more synchronistic happenings than ever before. That tip to the Taos Pueblo was remarkable in many ways, but mostly because it helped her come to you in these Spiritual offerings:
Rev. Rivera is the Foundational Pastor of TAOS Co (Transformation and Other Services) TAOS Co owns:
Rev. Rivera also , sat on the Board of Directors for SITE NITE and now, PSI (Pittsburgh Spiritual InSITE); founded and hosted in Pittsburgh.
Rev. Marjorie comes recommended by clients such as the University of Pittsburgh, Duquesne University, Robert Morris University, Indiana University, BOB FM, WISH FM, The Gateway Clipper The Pittsburgh Pirates, The Pittsburgh Penguins. Rev. Rivera has appeared on Bravo TV, MTV, The BBC, The Discovery Channel. She has been featured in the Post Gazette, Pittsburgh Magazine, and various spiritual publications nationwide. Rev. Rivera been featured at numerous Psychic and Spirit Expos such as:
My podcast with Bob Dove at the Your Spiritual Journey Podcast.
My second podcast appearance featuring the detailed explanation of a Spirit Guide reading, plus a reading for the Host's wife Amy.
Please contribute to his Patreon page at :
Rev Marjorie Rivera
4127 Brownsville Rd PGH PA 15227 Suite 204 NO Walkins accepted.
Rev. Rivera is THE Pittsburgh Medium, here to help you connect to your Loved Ones, get guidance from your Guides/Angels or read your Soul. Get the answers you need, message us today. Lets get you booked!